Daily Archives: June 14, 2011


Of course there are always trials…

A typical Wal-Mart discount department store i...

Image via Wikipedia

Paying for college is a struggle for most students, but that compounded with studying abroad is even more difficult. I have continued working at FitZone for Women in Sturgis, MI, and I recently became an employee of Wal-Mart. I thought that two jobs would be enough, but with the slow season beginning at FitZone it seems I may need a miracle from God. Jobs are tight in this area, but I am in search…again. I will also be adding a PayPal donation button to my page, so please keep your eyes open for that. I can’t wait for my trip, so any fundraising ideas and contributions will be greatly appreciated. I am refusing to get too discouraged, but this is worrisome. Everyone is having financial problems these days, so I am sure that many can relate to this struggle.

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