Monthly Archives: November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Barcelona!

Wednesday, our school/hotel threw a big banquet to celebrate Thanksgiving. I am sure they know that Thanksgiving was on Thursday, but I think they were DSCF6730making it possible for us to have our turkey and eat it too. It was lovely. Great food. Great wine. Candle lit. Decorations. They went all out. Not quite an at home thanksgiving meal, but delicious.

Then, I set about finding a way for my friend, Allie, to come to Barcelona with us. Due to a crisis of events she was unable to go to Paris (her original Thanksgiving plans) and leaving her in Rome was not an option. Luckily everything worked out and she was on DSCF6724our flight at 8:30 pm. Whew!

Sitting on the plane was random, but Fran and I got to sit by each other. We were hoping to sit by someone interesting, and luckily did. We seem to always find cool people. We are a power team when it come to meeting new friends. A. Rocker got keyed in to basically our whole life stories (lucky him) and we learned his.

We arrived at our hostel at about 11 pm to find a gorgeous man sitting at the front desk who thankfully spoke English. DSCF6601Our room was surprisingly nice considering how cheap it was. Private bathroom, clean towels (new ones provided daily), and a terrace. Much better than the Florence one-star.

Over the course of the next few days, we managed to hit everything we wanted (minus this really cool fountain that we didn’t realize existed until the last night) while making the trip a true relaxing vacation. We slept in and we had fun.

Picasso Museum: Totally cool. Gave a discount because we are students. Audio tour was helpful. I think we could have spent a whole day there just looking. Loved his work before and love it more now. I DSCF6611must say he was a very talented and twisted man. His more erotic art made us all giggle like 6th graders.

Sagrada Familia: If you don’t know anything about this already, it is a church designed by Gaudi in the late 1800s and is still in construction today because it is just that cool (it is not expected to be finished until mid to late this century). This church blows my mind. It is inspired by nature and it pretty much the coolest thing I have ever seen. There is so much going on inside and out it wouldDSCN0429take me years to give a complete description and I still would miss stuff. An I Spy lovers’ dream.

Barri Gotic: This is the Gothic area of Barcelona. Love me some gargoyles.

La Rambla/Market: La Rambla is like the big tourist street of Barcelona. It leads to the sea. Lots to buy. Street performers galore. The Market was heaven under a tent. Delicious fruit, delicious food, delicious chocolate. Oh, and sangria and mojitos for cheap. We ate til our heart and stomachs content. May have gained 50 lbs from going there (not really). I found the perfect Saint Patty’s Day sunglasses.

DSCF6715Gaudi Park: Oh. My. Goodness. This guy really was amazing and his amazing-ness lives on. This park was full of sweet designs and architecture. The views were to die for. Again, I think we could have spent ages here if not for the sun setting too early. Phenom!

Razzmatazz: A 5-story club. Rooms for different music preferences. Great environment. Best exercise of my life. I DSCF6700don’t know if I have ever danced so much/hard in my life.

The Metro System: Fantastic. Easy to navigate. Clean.

I have the best friends in the world, and if not for them this trip would not have been near as fun. Thank you Allie, Fran, and Alicia!

I also want to take a moment to thank God for everything good in my life and helping me struggle through the rough patches and for providing me with people and things in my life that make me happy and guide me through life.

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Vatican Museum

Sistine Chapel

Finally got my butt to the Vatican Museum. I find it funny that it took two months to get there. Had such a good time. Saw so much. The Sistine Chapel is to die for!

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Southern Italy

Well, as an Italian assignment, I was asked to write a journal while we traveled southern Italy from November 1-5. I thought it would be cool to use that as a post, and see if people can figure it out. Please forgive grammar problems, we haven’t had the returned for corrections yet.

1 Novembre 2011

Abbiamo dovuto alzarsi presto per il lungo viaggio a Pompeii. Ho dormito molto tempo sul bus. Quando mi sono svegliata, ho sorpreso da una bella vista. Il mare alla mia destra e il vulcano alla mia sinistra. Ho sorpreso che qualcosa di spaventoso un’intera regione, ma ѐ stato bello. Quando siamo arrivati a Pompeii, ho diviso in gruppi. Mi piaceva vedere tante cose che studiavo a mie lezioni. Ero triste quando ho visto i calchi in gesso di persone hanno trovato durante gli scavi. Ci hanno detto che erano probabilmente schiavi hanno incatenato nelle case dei loro proprietari. Mentre i proprietari hanno fuggito gli schiavi sono lasciati a proteggere la casa dai ladri. Molto crudele. Non posso immaginaredi lasciare gli uomini, donne e bambini a morire. Mi sentirei colpavole. Dopo un molto lungo giorno noi siamo andati in albergo e subito io sono andata a letto. Ho bisogno di dormire.

2 Novembre 2011

Oggi abbiamo sorpreso quando siamo arrivati ​​al museo archeologico. Di solito ѐ chuiso il martedì, ma perché ieri è stata una vacanza il museo ha deciso di chiudere anche oggi. Dunque, siamo andati a Cuma subito. i solito non mi piace quando il mio programma è cambiato, ma oggi non volevo andare in un museo. Alcuni studenti erano nervosi perchè avevano presentazioni orali al museo, ma Dr. Prebys loro ha detto noi ritourniamo a venerdi. Sono felice che la mia presentazione non è stato modificato. Cuma era bella. Mi piace natura, ma non mi piace gli insetti. E poi abbiamo avuto il pomeriggio libera. Ho pranzato con i miei amici. Era delizioso. E abbiamo avuto una bella vista, perché il mare vicino a noi. La passeggiata per l’hotel è stato spaventoso.

3 Novembre 2011

Abbiamo avuto un lungo viaggio a Paestum oggi. Abbiamo guidato per la Costiera Amalfitana. È molto bello. Le parole non possono dire come mi sentivo. Ho avuto alcune buone foto, ma le foto non sono le stesse. Ho dovuto fare una presentazione a Paestum. Ero molto nervosa, ma penso che io sono brava.

4 Novembre 2011

Oggi siamo andati a due musei. Il primo museo era bello, ma il secondo museo era molto bello. Aveva molte l’arte del Rinascimento. L’arte del Rinascimento ѐ il mio preferito. Ho comprato la costume per il viaggio a Capri ieri. È molto brutto, ma era solo dieci euro. Non vedo l’ora di andare a Capri ieri.

5 Novembre 2011

Non abbiamo potuto andare a Capri, perché fa tempo brutto. Sono triste. Volevo andare a Capri. Siamo ritournati a Roma.

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